Healthy Recipes Wiki
DSC 0957

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Yields: 20 plus wraps


I picked some fresh cabbage from a family garden and wanted to do something unique with it so I came up with the idea of stuffing them with red quinoa and goat cheese. The flavors of this dish blend together so well and the colors are beautiful!



  1. Bring large pot of water to boil and place whole cab­bage in the pot. Cover and let sim­mer for about 10 min­utes or until outer leaves eas­ily come off. After 10 min­utes, use a pair of tongs to remove as many of the soft­ened cab­bage leaves as you can until they start to show resis­tance. Place leaves aside and let the rest of the cab­bage con­tinue to sim­mer for another 10 min­utes. Con­tinue until you have desired num­ber of leaves (1 leaf can be split down the mid­dle to form two wraps).
  2. While cab­bage is boil­ing, cook red quinoa accord­ing to direc­tions on the box. Once quinoa is close to being ready, place olive oil and shal­lots on small pan on medium to high heat and let sim­mer until shal­lots become translu­cent (about 5 min­utes). When quinoa is fin­ished cook­ing, mix in shal­lots and olive oil.
  3. Place wraps on plate or cut­ting board and fill with a few crum­bles of goat cheese (about 2 tsp.) and a spoon­ful of quinoa. Fill­ing should be placed closer to the bot­tom of the wrap for eas­ier rolling. Start­ing from the bot­tom, roll cab­bage into small wrap. In a small bowl, mix together agave or honey and bal­samic vine­gar and driz­zle on top of wrap (or on top of fill­ing if you prefer).