Healthy Recipes Wiki

DaedalusHowell DaedalusHowell 11 March 2011

Do Probiotics Work if Dead?

It seems like everyone and everything is contrarian these days –from geo-politics to Charlie Sheen –and lately, in dietary trends we’ve had “probiotics” which are in opposition, one might think, to “antibiotics.” The later, of course, kills nasties in your system, the former helps the good ones live long, healthy lives in your gut.

“But some experts worry that the benefits of probiotics will be diluted as the substances move beyond their yogurt and milk base,” reports the Los Angeles Times. Indeed, there’s been a rash of probiotically-supplemented products on the market of late. From bars to
However, only a limited number of probiotics strains have been shown to have effective results when ingested. Yet, some manufacturers are using strains…

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DaedalusHowell DaedalusHowell 7 March 2011

Meatless Monday Menu Satisfies

Remember, back in the day, when “Fish Friday” meant battered and deep-fried fish sticks would arrive in the school hot lunches? Well, you can thank a collusion of the Pope and the school board’s loose understanding of nutrition. The notion of forgoing meat at least once a week (and, for some reason, they didn’t think fish was meat back then) is sound dietary advice.

Studies have shown that going meatless once a week may reduce your risk of preventable conditions such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity. Moreover, it can also help reduce one’s carbon footprint by sidestepping the use of resources including water and fossil fuels. A reduction of personal meat consumption by 15% will have direct improvement to one’s health,…

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DaedalusHowell DaedalusHowell 3 March 2011

Vegetarianism more Healthy than "Anti-Vegetarianism"

There’s no accounting for the anti-vegetarian sentiment that sometimes rears its ugly, carnivorous head. Perhaps such feelings are stoked by the National Cattlemen's Beef Association, the organization that took Oprah to court for allegedly defaming their flagship product during the mid-90s Mad Cow scare (she won). Or perhaps its some vestigial

The Urban Dictionary, a crowd-sourced parody reference site has numerous entries under “Vegetarian,” the first of which presently defines a vegetarian as “A bad hunter. Someone who survives by consuming not food, but the stuff that food eats” and supplements the entry with the usage example “The vegetarian was forced to subsist on slower prey, such as the broccoli and carrot.” Admittedly, the gag is a…

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DaedalusHowell DaedalusHowell 11 February 2011

Can Diet Soda Cause a Stroke?

Researchers at the American Stroke Association's International Stroke Conference 2011 conducted an experiment on this topic, the results might steal your fizz.

  • Diet soda might make you feel better about your waistline but it could also cause your brain to blow a fuse in the form of a stroke.
  • A study by the American Stroke Association's International Stroke Conference found that those who drink diet soda might have a much higher risk of vascular events such as stroke when compared to those who don't drink soda at all.
  • Researchers followed volunteers for an average of 9.3 years, tracking the health histories and in particular whether or not vascular events had occurred.

"This study suggests that diet soda is not an optimal substitute for sugar-s…

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DaedalusHowell DaedalusHowell 9 February 2011

Is Chocolate a Healthy Aphrodisiac?

Sexperts of every stripe have long postulated the efficacy of so-called aphrodisiacs. Urban myths about “Spanish Fly” notwithstanding, there are several compounds alleged to inspire arousal in the subject of one’s affections. Not to be confused with erectile dysfunction medications such as Viagra and its ilk, a true aphrodisiac is meant to inspire amorous feelings in the imbiber rather than mere mechanical functionality. Just as any nutritionist will tell you the best ways to get your vitamins are through foods that contain them, the same is true for aphrodisiacs. King among them is chocolate . Moreover, it might be the healthiest Valentine you get this February.

Far more complicated a contribution to one’s Valentine-inspired notions than m…

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